Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Preston Comic Con as seen by A.S.Chambers.

So, Saturday 25th September saw me at pedalling my wares in the Preston Guild Hall at the Preston Comic Con and I have to say that I had a mighty fine day.

From the outset I felt that the convention was going to be a success. I had signed books at a mini-con in the Harris Library earlier in the year and that small affair had been exceptional with minimal advertising, so I had a feeling that the good folks of Preston would rise to the challenge once again. I was not mistaken. Just as we were about to open, the word went round that there were 1500 people queueing outside. When the doors opened, it was as if Moses had let go of the Sea of Reeds; it was a torrent which did not let up until late in the afternoon.

The organisers seemed to have been on a roll. The guest list was well worth a look: Holly from Red Dwarf, Admiral Ackbar from Return of The Jedi and Peri from Doctor Who to name but three. Not only that, but they had chosen a most splendid venue. The Guild Hall was spacious and airy and the abundance of seating gave conventioneers plenty of time to rest before diving back into the fray. The local council had even chipped in by providing ample free parking for the day.

There was an all-round jovial atmosphere. Plenty of cos-players brightened up the day and visitors had come from all round the UK. I had one fan come to my stall who had travelled up from London!

In all, I had a fantastic day meeting fans old and new. It was great to be able to sign books on my home stamping ground rather than having to drive for far too long and feeling dead on my feet for the day.

I look forward to the next one.

A.S.Chambers is an author of horror and urban fantasy fiction.
He is the creator of Sam Spallucci: Investigator of the Paranormal and can be stalked in the following places: